Undergraduate Architecture Courses

Architecture majors, in preparation for fall semester Sophomore Studio 1, will need the equipment and tools listed in the Studio Kit.

Suggested Sequence of Courses

Freshman Year

ARCH-1300 Introduction to Architecture [+ lab] 3
ART-1000 Drawing I 3
ART-1010 2-D Design 3
EXSC-1115 Wellness for Life 1
GNST-1000 BC Experience 1
MATH-1250 Pre-Calculus/Gen Ed 4-3
THEO-1100 Introduction to Theology 3
Total 17-18
ARCH-XXXX Freshman Studio 3
ARCH-XXXX Architectural Drawing 3
ENGL-1010 English Composition 3
EXSC Activity Course [or EXSC-1115] 1
MATH-1300 Calculus 1 4
PHIL-1750 Principles of Nature [or THEO elective] 3
Total 17

Sophomore Year

ARCH-2111 Sophomore Studio 1 4
ARCH-2300 Theory & History of Arch. 1 3
ART-3121 Watercolor 1 3
PHYS-2100 Classical Physics 4
THEO/PHIL Foundation 3
Total 17
ARCH-2112 Sophomore Studio 2 4
ARCH-XXXX Theory & History 2 3
ART-3412 Art History 2 3
Natural World Gen Ed 3
THEO/PHIL Foundation 3
Total 16

Summer Study Abroad Program

ARCH-XXXX Theory and History 2
ARCH-2200 Plein Air Drawing and Watercolor Studio 2

Junior Year

ARCH-3113 Junior Studio 3 5
ARCH-XXXX Architecture of Cities 3
ENGR-2300 Statics 3
Foreign Language 4
Total 15
ARCH-3114 Junior Studio 4 5
ENGR-2320 Mechanics of Materials 3
Elective 3
Foreign Language 4
Total 15

Senior Year

ARCH-4115 Senior Studio 5 6
ARCH-4400 Environ Sys & Sustain. 4
ART-3411 Art History 1 3
PHIL/THEO Foundation 3
Total 16
ARCH-4116 Capstone Studio 6 6
ARCH-COMP Senior Comprehensive Exam cr
CIVL-3550 Bldg Component & Sys. Design 3
THEO/PHIL Foundation 3
Elective 3
Total 15

Total program credits: 132-133

View the course catalog for class descriptions and additional information.

ARCH-1300, Introduction to Architecture (3) (F)

This course presents the world of the architect and architectural drawing organized on the idea of the “Grand Tour.” It is an overview of the paradigmatic architecture of Western Civilization. Via a sequence of architectural subjects, the student will learn how architects think about, observe, and discuss—in both theoretical and practical terms—their work and its perceived suitability to the needs of human beings and their environment. In the weekly lab, students will learn the fundamentals of orthographic and parallel projection drafting as they pertain to representing architectural ideas. Examples will be drawn from and tied to the material covered in the lectures and discussions. This course is required for Architecture majors. (VC)

ARCH-2111, Sophomore Studio 1 (4) (F)

This introductory studio for the architecture major presents a fundamental approach to architectural design. Students are introduced to a vocabulary of architectural forms, treatises, and practices of traditional architectural representation. A series of small projects introduce the students to the elements of the science and art of building in a logical progression. The architectural language of this studio focuses on parsing the grammar of the antique forms of architecture in order to lay the groundwork for the students to engage in centuries-old dialogues—to speak to the past—in both their precedent studies and during their subsequent summer abroad. This course is for majors only. Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in ARCH-1300.

ARCH-2112, Sophomore Studio 2 (4) (S)

Studio 2 builds on the dialogue and lessons from Studio 1 and engages the classical language of architecture beyond mere form and ornamental effects to visceral connections with human life. Theoretical projects develop along a logical sequence from small, dependent additions to a large, stand-alone building. The education of the future architect broadens to that of becoming a conscientious citizen, aware of the syntax of the community and city in relation to individual works of architecture. Studio 2 introduces important architectural themes such as program analysis, composition, context, construction techniques, as well as the design influence of laws and codes. This course is for majors only. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ARCH-2111.

ARCH-2200, Plein Air Drawing and Watercolor (2) (SU)

The course further develops the skills of field sketching, drawing, and painting that are useful to the architect for the conveyance of survey, contextual analysis, design intent, and their various modes of expression. Exercises are conducted on location: in piazzas, museums, churches in Florence, Vicenza, and Rome with short trips to Siena, Ravenna, and Venice—the perennial classrooms for generations of architects. Prerequisites: ART-3001, Architecture major.

ARCH-2300, Theory and History of Architecture 1 I (3) (D)

This first of a sequence of Theory and History of Architecture courses covers movements of architecture and related arts from the Bronze Age to the 14th century (northern European Gothic/Romanesque). This foundational survey of the architecture and urban design of early Western civilization will cover the masterpieces and their connections to cultural acts, such as ritual and religious sacrifice. This is intended to develop the student’s capacity for critical thought and intellectual curiosity. Although the scope of the course looks back to the great painted cave monuments of 30,000 BC, the primary focus of the course is the cultural evidence for the emergence of the Classical out of the Early Dynastic and Archaic periods via the study of religious and secular monuments, their appurtenances and settings, archeological evidence of infrastructure, and traditions of construction and composition. Students are introduced to the earliest known architectural treatise: Vitruvius’ Ten Books on Architecture. (AE, WP, HP)

ARCH-3113, Junior Studio 3 (5) (F)

Architecture Studio 3, building on the prior year and setting the stage for this junior year, deepens study of the contemporary practice of the Western language of architecture. At the neighborhood scale, architectural types and the relationship to urbanism, with its place types, is introduced. Featured are urban house types (ie, row house, courtyard house, free-standing city house, stacked housing, and apartment buildings). The studio introduces the architect’s responsibility to steward resources in the choice of materials and in the composition of plan and elevation. In the increasing scale of urbanism, this studio focuses on the neighborhood culture of place in which the use of types and symbolic ornament has the greatest capacity as a matrix for social identity. This course is for majors only. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in both ARCH-2112 and ARCH-2300.

ARCH-3114, Junior Studio 4 (5) (S)

Architecture Studio 4, building in the sequence, prepares for the senior studios in the contemporary practice of the Western language of architecture. The architectural types are those that are assembled in communal institutions such as a community library, chapel, or town hall. Intensifying is the attention to resources in the building materials and in the architectural composition. In the increasing scale of urbanism, this studio focuses on the culture of place in towns and in town-sized precincts of cities. Deepening is the use of types and symbolic ornament for sharing communal identity. This course is for majors only. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ARCH-3113.

ARCH-4115, Senior Studio 5 (6) (F)

Building on the sequence in the contemporary practice of the Western language of architecture, the region and complex urban contexts are introduced. Projects range from communal housing types (such as university housing or a monastery) to civic and institutional ensembles (such as a train station, cathedral, or county courthouse). Resource stewardship looks at larger buildings, complexes, and beyond to the sustainability of places. Architectural challenges include the specific character in public facades, using types and ornament, that convey civic meaning and decorum. For a city comprised of neighborhoods and districts, the aim is to create iconic and beloved civic architecture. This course is for majors only. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ARCH-3114.

ARCH-4116, Capstone Studio 6 (6) (S)

Capstone Studio 6 completes the studio sequence in the Western language of architecture. The student brings to bear all the learned considerations of architecture and urban design. The architectural and urban types are assembled in complex ensembles. Competent judgment is exercised in the choice of appropriate building materials, components, types to communicate civic meaning and to steward resources. At this greatest scale of community identity, this studio meets the challenge of representing the culture of place in complex urban designs. Prerequisites: Grade of C- or better in both ARCH-4115 and ARCH-4400. (OC)

ARCH-4400, Environmental Systems and Sustainability (4) (D F)

This course investigates the interrelationship of architecture, environmental systems, and human needs and/or comfort. Lectures, readings, and exercises probe topics that include climate and weather, environmental health and indoor air quality, thermal comfort, active and passive energy design, life safety systems, water conservation and usage, design strategies for heating, ventilating, and air conditioning, as well as plumbing, noise control, and overall building management. Special emphasis is placed on sustainability issues, energy conservation, and public health and safety. The lab component of this course includes independent assignments to study best options and then design the basic mechanical systems associated with the student’s primary studio project.

In addition to the above courses, majors are required to take ARCH-COMP, Architecture Comprehensive Exam (cr)